Guangzhou Shopping Loot! Sept 2007.
My Sony camera isn't with me, i miss it so much!
But however, i still managed to use my older cam to take some pics of my beloved Guangzhou shopping loot.
Didn't buy as much as the previous time cuz i tried to 'shop smart' this time round.
I went shopping with the constant thought that my wardrobe has exploded and all my clothes are now spilling all over my room floor.
And most importantly, i didn't even wear half of what i bought in Guangzhou last year.
Therefore, i restricted quite a bit this time, but still, i spent even more!!
God knows why!
Shoes!- all below SGD10.
Compared to the 13 pairs of shoes i crazily bought last year, i only bought 4 pairs this time and one of them is for mum!
I actually realised that all the shoes i see in the departmental stores are what i already have, the designs are all the same and not much new and refreshing designs are being sold.
I like this pair the most because of the gold heart!
Bags and a lovely pouch for my camera.
Gems for nailart.
Nailart stickers!
A dress and a babydoll top which is actually too big for me.
hmm.. i wonder if i can turn it into a dress instead.
a knitted top and the black piece is a halter vest.
2-piece tops.
Shorts and mini skirts!
The trend now is very Hongkong like.
Cardigans, tee-shirts with long bohemian skirts, layered tops.
Very casual.
Bye-bye leggings.
I love My Little Pony.
Falsies and glittery eyeliners.
Anna Sui mirror for less than SGD1!
some hairclips and necklaces which only cost SGD1.
Many sweet hp accessories.
Star buy: Mini Flip Cell Phone!
Comparing the size of it with my Nokia 6300.
Umbrella which we call "Lemon".
I did Hair Extension in Guangzhou as well!
Now, i have long hair again!
It's made of real human hair (i'm constantly wondering who's hair it is)
Hair extension costs approximately SGD100 or less there for my kind of extension (whole head), they tried to con us and asked us to pay SGD200 but we talked our way through, it was really tough and time consuming.
So, alwayz ask for the price first before doing something in Guangzhou.
Will be back with more Guangzhou updates, more food (we really ate ALOT and were pretty adventurous)
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